Prepper useful blogs

How to Live Without Electricity: 7 Key Areas Where You Can

Posted by jack ma on

How to Live Without Electricity: 7 Key Areas Where You Can

Electricity is more than a comfort. Its usage has become a way of life. Many people can’t go back to old ways because they don’t know how. If you want to stop using electricity, you will have to do so a little at a time. It helps to think about this process in terms of areas where you use power. Here are ways to get the job done in each area: Step 1: Make a list for each area. For example, list all the devices you use cook or heat up food. Step 2: Cut back on devices that use a lot of...

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Surviving the Wilderness through Hunting and Gathering

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Surviving the Wilderness through Hunting and Gathering

Hunting and Gathering is a form of human adaptation and is the oldest and most extensive in terms of time and space. A hunter-gatherer is a person who lives in a community where most or all of the food is obtained from forage, that is, gathering wild plants and hunting wild animals. Ancient humans were hunters and gatherers from around 2.5 million years ago when stone tools first appeared in archeological records. In this way, humans are hunters and gatherers for much of human evolution. However, technological development was relatively slow until evolution progressed around 100,000 years ago. Although ancient...

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Hurricane Survival 101

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Hurricane Survival 101

Hurricanes are like Christmas. They come every year whether we are in the mood or not, but instead of joy and excitement, they deliver damage, destruction, and chaos. Entire communities can be destroyed and people’s ways of life can be disrupted for months before they’re able to return to normal. Take these things into consideration: Evacuation Plan Should you stay or should you leave? Check your hurricane risk online before the storm. Some hurricanes require evacuation, for others, you can go to a community shelter, and for less serious hurricanes you might be able to stay in your home. You...

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External Batteries vs. Solar Power For Camping

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External Batteries vs. Solar Power For Camping

As recently as the turn of this century, the only extra batteries you worried about on a camping trip were the ones you needed for your flashlight. But since then, we’ve come to rely more and more on electronic devices. Weather alert apps, GPS, and apps for hunting and fishing have all become essential for getting the most out of your time in the great outdoors. Not to mention, you need your phone for making pre-planned check-ins with friends and family. All of those uses require power, so you’re going to need a backup power supply. But which is better, an...

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Car Emergency Prepper List

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