Prepper useful blogs

Create Your Own Secret Survival Garden Using a Hydroponic System

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Create Your Own Secret Survival Garden Using a Hydroponic System

Like it or not, the marijuana industry has also produced an increased interest in hydroponic systems for gardening. Hydroponic gardening is simply the process of growing plants without soil, and hydroponic systems are well-suited for indoor growing. This is a crafty way to grow something you’d get arrested for if you planted it out in the open. It’s also a useful technique for growing a survival garden in otherwise imperfect conditions. Create Your Own Secret Survival Garden Using a Hydroponic System When most people think of a hydroponic system, they envision a complicated (and expensive) setup that could rival a Bond villain’s lair. In...

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Build a DIY Greenhouse for Dirt Cheap

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Build a DIY Greenhouse for Dirt Cheap

If you’re looking for a sustainable way to stockpile fresh fruits and vegetables without spending tons of cash, then consider building a DIY greenhouse. Don’t get me wrong; I think every prepper should have canned and freeze-dried food supplies available for short-term emergencies. But you’ll need a reliable food source to turn to when these supplies run low, and having access to a garden will be invaluable after SHTF. In the past, I’ve talked about using hydroponics to create an indoor survival garden. Today, I’ll show you how to build a cost-effective, DIY greenhouse that can supply you and your family with...

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Prepping for the Aftermath

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Prepping for the Aftermath

Prepping for the Aftermath So you made it through the storm. The power is out, a few trees are down, maybe there are a few feet of water in your street. But you’re alive, there’s a roof over your head, and no immediate danger. What now? What to do in the aftermath of a disaster isn’t usually talked about as often as what to do in the disaster, but it can be just as important and is certainly longer lasting. Seventeen people are dead because of hurricane Michael. 400,000 people were without power. You’re far more likely to be one...

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Complete Car Camping Gear Guide

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Complete Car Camping Gear Guide

If you’ve never been camping, or have limited camping experience then car camping is a great way to get started. The typical definition of car camping is when you camp near your car. Having your car nearby and extra supplies only a short distance makes things a lot easier compared to a long hike into a campsite. And worst-case scenario you’ll have a dry and warm place to retreat to if needed. To help you out, we’re going to present you with a list and discussion of the most important items to bring along for your next (or first) car...

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Is It Possible To Live Off-Grid In A Motorhome?

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Is It Possible To Live Off-Grid In A Motorhome?

There is an undeniable romanticism tethered to the idea of living “off the grid”. Such a way of life seems natural, normal, and — though it is never mistaken for an easy life — all the hard labour is considered “honest”. Off-grid living in a motorhome then seems even more romantic. Whereas living off-grid implies a certain rootedness to a particular plot of earth, motorhome off-grid living instills an even greater sense of independence and freedom because it no longer restricts to any one place, for any long period of time. But is the off-grid lifestyle really possible in a motorhome? That...

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